Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The Changing Brain.

From today’s session, I have managed to realize the powerfulness of the internet in our social life, works, and much more in our minds. That change is created only if a person is highly exposed to the internet (like what Gebner’s Cultivation theory ascertains that the heavy Television viewers are receiving changes more than the light TV viewers).
From, Tanzanians are utilizing facebook than any other webmails or news sites. The reason behind may be the convergence of mobile phone with the internet to which every person who is owning a mobile phone device that can be connected to internet can easily participate in facebooking!
Different internet sites such as facebook, Yahoo messenger and others have been a dominant to our mindset,, as some other people are turned to be addicted to the usage of such sites.
In the journalism world, internet has managed to create a close link between the media house and its correspondents as they can easily send stories with audio or video clip to their editor from upcountry. Also the technology implied for editing or sending the information is easily accessible, compared to the previous time. Still the service providers are sometimes letting down the internet users because of poor internet infrastructures. This is the case as to why most of African countries are ranked as least countries that are their people are either connected or use internet facilities.
Not living Skype, Ovoo, Intervoip and other Voip engines; people can have a serious chat concerning different issues such as business matters, schooling and other social needs.
Yet there is a big gap between the internet know-how and the know-not. The digital divide has brought this gap between the most developed countries and the least developed; between the rural and the urban dwellers, the elites and non elites and such groups in the society.
The main challenge is on how to impart knowledge and skills to Tanzanians mainly youngsters on how they can employ internet in a positive way. Still internet security is another thing that brings a lot of challenges on how plagiarism can be controlled and how personal privacy can be attained.
Yet, during the day, we have managed to open our BlogSpot where by everyone was supposed to post or edit in his/her blog. The technique is simple despite having challenges on internet connections. 

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